Transit and Ridesharing Services

Urban and Intercity Transit

The South Central Planning and Development Commission, as the MPO for the Houma-Thibodaux urban area, is involved in efforts to improve transportation throughout the region is serves. SCPDC wants to spread the word about sustainable transportation that can help save money and get you where you need to go!

Good Earth and Thibodaux Transit provide service in the City of Thibodaux and Terrebonne Parish.
Need routes and schedules? Check out Good Earth and Thibodaux Transit websites.

City of Thibodaux Transit Logo

Greyhound has returned service to Thibodaux, Morgan City and Houma. Routes and schedules are found online at Greyhound.com. Service is offered between Thibodaux, the New Orleans Louis Armstrong International Airport in Kenner and other destinations.

Passenger Rail

Amtrak’s Sunset Limited line stops in Schriever. Amtrak passengers can travel Eastbound to New Orleans and Westbound to Houston and beyond. The depot is located at 145 Burlington Court, in Schriever. For more information check out the Sunset Limited schedules and routes.

Rural Transportation Services

Download the following information as a PDF.

The following agencies provide On-Demand public transit service to the general public and service for elderly and disabled clients in rural areas of the South Central Region.  Typically, riders call 24 hours in advance to schedule trips within each agency’s service area. Some provide regular scheduled services to designated medical centers including Chabert Medical Center in Houma and the Thibodaux Regional Medical Center and more, but riders must still contact the agency to schedule their trip.

Contact the agency serving your parish for more information on services, fares, routes and schedules.


The following information can be used for setting up a carpool or vanpool.